What exactly is “retouching?”

Retoucing is the process of editing the fine details of a photo, especially the skin to make it look beautiful, but still natural. Retouching isn’t of course limited to the skin. Often times I will fix the hair, remove problems with clothes, and clean up the background. This insures that the whole image looks uniformly beautiful.

And because each retouch is done by hand, the results look much better and more realistic than using a filter.

Making the skin look beautiful.

Cleaning up the hair and removing flyaways.

Fixing ill fitting wardrobe, and adjusting sensitive areas.

I also clean up, and sometimes extend the background to remove unwanted elements.

Often times depending on the image, I will add some creative flourishes to make the photo really stand out.

Affintiy photo before after

It’s important to me to retain your natural look, but present the best version of you. I always aim to make my images look like they haven’t been retouched.